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We love going to the beach and sing all the way back home, making people smile as we go 😁

Happy Valentine!

Baking yummy heart shaped cookies for Valentine's Day ❤️😋🥰

Fragrance of summer!

The children helped filling the organza bags with Lavender, ready to take home 😁

Party time!

We had an amazing day celebrating A 2nd birthday 🎂🎉🎊🎈

Ducks 🦆

This little duck was so brave and hungry!

Chinese New year

The children loved making paper lanterns to celebrate Chinese New year 🏮🐲🐰


Autumn themed sensory play 🍁🌰🍊🍂


It was the perfect day to go out exploring and jump in muddy puddles.

Happy Australian Day!

At KidsandK we celebrated by visiting the Australian gardens and loved aboriginal art.

Ventnor beach

Finally the sun is out and we are making the most of it!

Going to the Airport

Today we went to Sandown Airport, it was so exciting to watch the planes come and go!

Garlic farm

There is always so much to do at the Garlic farm, we all had a lovely time 😁🌼🐐🐔🐓

Blog: Blog2
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